On the Inside Track
On the Inside Track with Debbie Hazelton

On the Inside Track for September, 2019 - Michael Garrett

On the Inside Track for September, 2019 - Michael Garrett

September 6, 2019

Michael caught up with me at this year’s ACB National Convention and reminded me “We were going to do a show about communication and relationships.” Indeed we did talk about this, back in 2008 at a Convention when I was doing a show called “The Relationship Connection.”

So I knew that someone as reflective and thoughtful as Michael would have much to say on this show, “On The Inside Track.”

Among many things we discussed, Michael shares many qualities for fostering healthy relationships he began learning at an early age. And he shares with us his call to the ministry. Michael continually brings a deep sense of compassion to ACB. It is obvious he loves the organization, the people, our conventions. Michael is most genuine, always ready to be of help to others anytime, anywhere.

And many thanks to the lovely Peggy Garrett for helping Michael and I get connected on Zoom. A lovely couple they both are!