On the Inside Track
On the Inside Track with Debbie Hazelton

On the Inside Track for March, 2020 - Renee Pavlus

On the Inside Track for March, 2020 - Renee Pavlus

March 15, 2020

Renee Pavlus: counselor, coach, dedicated to the well-being of others. She approached me last week about wanting to do a show for ACB Radio. I thought a good place for us to learn more about her would be:
“On The Inside Track.”
Renee plans to do a show with us. She’s quite eager, bubbling with ideas and things to tell us.
So tune in:
9:00 PM Eastern
And catch the show at these other times:

Monday 3:00 PM Eastern and Pacific
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific
Thursday 9:00 AM Eastern and Pacific
Friday 3:00 PM Eastern and Pacific
