On the Inside Track
On the Inside Track with Debbie Hazelton

On the Inside Track for June, 2020 - Anthony Corona

On the Inside Track for June, 2020 - Anthony Corona

June 16, 2020

For a few months now, the name Anthony Corona has become known by many. A cohost of Pride Connection, as well as “Sunday Edition With Anthony”, many of us have been guests and/or listened to his interviews.

Tonight, I have the chance to interview the interviewer.

Many of you know that I’m fascinated by the choices people make.

What leads any of us to go a certain way? What happens in any of our lives to cause one to say, “I choose this direction.”

So tonight, we’re doing this show live.

Join us, at 9:00 PM Eastern

Thanks for listening to ACB Radio. And thanks for daring to live “On The Inside Track. :-)

On the Inside Track for May, 2020 - Gabriel Lopez Kafati

On the Inside Track for May, 2020 - Gabriel Lopez Kafati

May 22, 2020

What an awesome time I spent with Gabriel! And what a gift Gabriel is to our community! So much love and wisdom in this man! So many incredible milestones to who he is, and all that he’s accomplished!

On the Inside Track airs on ACB Radio Mainstream beginning Wednesdays at 9PM, repeating Thursday 12AM, 9AM, and 12PM, Fridays 3AM, 6AM, 3PM, 6PM, and Mondays at 3AM, 6AM, 3PM, and 6PM.

On the Inside Track for April, 2020 - Dr. Linda Bollé

On the Inside Track for April, 2020 - Dr. Linda Bollé

April 24, 2020

For the month of April, my guest On The Inside Track, Linda Bollé, is someone you may well look forward to listening to when she begins her new show:
Sleuth Hound U.

Linda is a psychologist and a coach. On The Inside Track, she shares how her single desire to help others brought her into several different career changes.
Her courage and determination brought her into an interesting mix of career opportunities where she continued to help others while increasingly learning what her new direction was to take.

To find out more, or to reach Linda, check out her website at:

Tune into On the Inside Track on ACB Radio Mainstream beginning every Wednesday at 9PM with replays at 12AM, 9AM, and 12PM Thursdays, 3AM, 6AM, 3PM, and 6PM Fridays and Mondays. http://acbradio.org/mainstream

On the Inside Track for March, 2020 - Renee Pavlus

On the Inside Track for March, 2020 - Renee Pavlus

March 15, 2020

Renee Pavlus: counselor, coach, dedicated to the well-being of others. She approached me last week about wanting to do a show for ACB Radio. I thought a good place for us to learn more about her would be:
“On The Inside Track.”
Renee plans to do a show with us. She’s quite eager, bubbling with ideas and things to tell us.
So tune in:
9:00 PM Eastern
And catch the show at these other times:

Monday 3:00 PM Eastern and Pacific
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific
Thursday 9:00 AM Eastern and Pacific
Friday 3:00 PM Eastern and Pacific


On the Inside Track for February, 2020

On the Inside Track for February, 2020

February 12, 2020

I’ve read an article here and there by Deborah Kendrick. Gayle Krause and Paul Edwards used to tell us each that we should get to know each other, that we each reminded them of each other. With her new book, published by National Braille Press, (NBP) http://nbp.org all I can say is, I think this book is one of the most important books to be out there for all of us!

“Navigating Healthcare: (When All Others See Is That You Can’t”

As people who are blind or visually impaired, this book touches all of our lives, whether dealing with our own health of the health of someone else.

At the time of the interview, I had only started the book. The whole book is awesome!

If you wish to contact Deborah, you may email her at:
kendrickdeborah at gmail dot com

I hope you enjoy it. Stay well, and when you need medical care, as much as possible, be your own advocate.

On the Inside Track for January, 2020

On the Inside Track for January, 2020

January 11, 2020

This month, the guest is Chrissie Cochrane.

On the Inside Track for December, 2019 - Bradley Nelson

On the Inside Track for December, 2019 - Bradley Nelson

December 11, 2019

The guest on this edition of On the Inside Track is Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code.

On the Inside Track for October, 2019 - Brian McCallen and Kim Morrow

On the Inside Track for October, 2019 - Brian McCallen and Kim Morrow

October 5, 2019

I chuckled when I was putting this show together. Hey, it’s Brian and Kim. Oh, but it’s a different Brian and a different Kim! It’s Brian McCallen from Speaking Out for the Blind, and it’s Kim Morrow, Ph.D. who brought us materials from Unity Village for many years, here to share many of her accomplishments! Two awesome people who continue to accomplish a great deal. Wow!

Many thanks to these two people for their continued commitment to making the world a better place for people who are blind/visually impaired.

On the Inside Track for September, 2019 - Michael Garrett

On the Inside Track for September, 2019 - Michael Garrett

September 6, 2019

Michael caught up with me at this year’s ACB National Convention and reminded me “We were going to do a show about communication and relationships.” Indeed we did talk about this, back in 2008 at a Convention when I was doing a show called “The Relationship Connection.”

So I knew that someone as reflective and thoughtful as Michael would have much to say on this show, “On The Inside Track.”

Among many things we discussed, Michael shares many qualities for fostering healthy relationships he began learning at an early age. And he shares with us his call to the ministry. Michael continually brings a deep sense of compassion to ACB. It is obvious he loves the organization, the people, our conventions. Michael is most genuine, always ready to be of help to others anytime, anywhere.

And many thanks to the lovely Peggy Garrett for helping Michael and I get connected on Zoom. A lovely couple they both are!

On the Inside Track for August, 2019 - Rachel Schroeder

On the Inside Track for August, 2019 - Rachel Schroeder

August 12, 2019

What a treat we have! Rachel Schroeder is known and loved by many! ! An experienced radio broadcaster for many years, a teacher to many, a single parent, a ACB state affiliate president, an advocate… an all-around trail blazer! Rachel knows she is “A person who happens to be blind.” She doesn’t settle for living within any so-called limits; Rather, she chooses to push beyond what is assumed, presumed, prescribed, and lives a life she has created with pride, dignity and joy!

While we laughed about some of the early memories in our longtime friendship, we also enjoyed the memories of she and Larry Turnbull in the early days of streaming national Convention! Oh, they were daring! And successful! Despite the lousy hotel connectivity and faulty equipment, they brought their own equipment into the mix and ran between the ballroom and Exhibit Hall. In those days, we streamed both general sessions and Interactive. In the longtime bond of their friendship, their mutual skill, downright fun and tenacity, they proved streaming a live convention to be possible! Rachel and Larry, cheers to you both! That was courageous and just one more demonstration of moving beyond limits!

Tune in for some laughs, inspiration and all-around goodness!